Hôpital Clemenceau

Hôpital Clemenceau - La Garde

The hospital of La Garde has become a reference for the old age issues, major challenge of future public health.

Hospital specialised in Geriatrics

The nursing, the consultations, the expert assessments with adapted equipment, give performing answers to needs of the oldest patients' illnesses. Its activity covers the whole territory of health of Centre Hospitalier.

With a capacity of almost 200 beds, the facility consists of:

  • Aftercare and rehabilitation including one unit of «cognitive behavioural rehabilitation » (Alzheimer Plan)
  • Geriatrics mobile team
  • Day care hospital (individualised check-ups)
  • Long-term care unit.
  • Medico-social structure : Établissement d’Hébergement pour Personnes Âgées Dépendantes (EHPAD) (Nursing home)

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