Nuclear Medicine


Nuclear Medicine

Hôpital Sainte Musse

Lead Consultant: Dr Patricia CARRIER

 Medical Staff

  • Dr CARRIER Patricia
  • Lead Consultant; Nuclear Medicine
  • Dr CAMBEFORT Pierre
  • Nuclear Medicine
  • Dr TESSONNIER Laurent
  • Nuclear Medicine
  • Dr VALENTIN Gautier
  • Nuclear Medicine
  • Dr CIAMPI Mario
  • Attached cardiologist
  • Dr GONZALEZ Théophile
  • Attached cardiologist
  • Dr KEMAL Bachar
  • Attached cardiologist
  • Dr NAVARRE Laurence
  • Attached endocrinologist
  • Dr SOLMON Caroline
  • Attached endocrinologist
  • Dr LAO Solange
  • Radiopharmacist


Nuclear Medicine – Consultations, inpatient and outpatient care



The Nuclear Medicine Department is open from Monday to Friday from 7:30am to 5:30pm.



Hôpital Sainte Musse

Ground floor, letf to the C lift (blue)


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You are about to undergo a scintigraphy

What is nuclear medicine?


Youtube video in French

What is a scintigraphy?

It is a functional imaging examination using a radiopharmaceutical to explore organ function.

Depending on the radiopharmaceutical, there are several types of scintigraphy adapted to different organs or illnesses: bone, kidney, heart, thyroid...


The examination will be performed by a practitioner specialised in nuclear medicine.

Is the examination dangerous?

No, because the very small amount of medication injected is painless, non-toxic and does not cause allergies.

The radiation dose received is very low and does not increase the number of images taken.

What is happening before the examination?

The practitioner will see you to ask you a few questions and visualise the other imaging tests in your possession.

If you are PREGNANT or likely to become pregnant, you should tell the physician before the injection.

Women who are breastfeeding will have to suspend it during the 24 hours following the examination (milk will be drawn and discarded)

Should I stop my medication or change my treatment?

When you book an appointment, the secretary will tell you whether or not to suspend your treatment.

How is the examination going?

The specific radipharmaceutical of the organ under study is injected intraenously.

After injection, there is a waiting time before the images can be taken.

The acquisition of images (scintigraphy) is done on a device called gamma camera.

The gamma camera detects the radioactivity emitted by the radiopharmaceutical.

Some gamma cameras are equipped with a scanner allowing the realisation of a hybrid image: scintigraphy with scanner.

How long will the waiting time last between the injection and the taking of images?

This delay varies according to the type of scintigraphy. For example, it is about 3 hours for a bone scintigraphy. Depending on the exams, you will be allowed to leave the department. Except in special cases, you can eat and drink between the injection and images.

How long will the imaging last?

The acquisition time of the images varies from 15 minutes to 1 hour during which you must remain motionless.

You are not locked up in the device but it can pass very close to your face.

After the exam?

You can leave the nuclear medicine department as soon as the operator releases you.

You can eat normally and get back to all your activities (driving, working, etc.)

You must drink regularly and empty your bladder often to eliminate the injected radiopharmaceutical more quickly.

You should avoid close contact with pregnant women and young children for the rest of the day. 

The interpretation of the examination will either be given to you personally at the end of the exam by the physician or sent directly to the prescribing doctors.

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